Our territory

Stands among the hills to the left of the Lower Metauro Valley, 2.5 km from Tavernelle, which lies along the ancient Flaminian Way, 16.4 km from Fano (in Roman times there was a “tabernula” or “statio” at Tavernelle, where travellers could stop and eat).


emozioneolio serrungarina


Serrungarina was originally known as Brisighella but probably took its present name from Ser Ungaro degli Atti, a lawyer who lived there during the 14th Century. The town formed part of the lands of Galeotto Malatesta, who built a castle there in 1341, of which nothing remains except for a water tank. It was there that Sigismondo Malatesta defeated the troops that Vitelleschi had sent against Pope Eugene IV in 1432. For a long period after that, Serrungarina became a cornerstone in Fano’s defences against the Montefeltros. In 1482, the people of Fano built an underground channel (called ‘La Traforata’) at their own expense, with a vast well with a spiral access ramp, in order to carry water to the ancient mills at Sacca.
Inside the town walls, at the top of a pleasant stairway, stands the parish church of Sant’Antonio abate. It was built on the site of the old castle in 1665, and rebuilt in 1867. Inside are two fine paintings by Giuliano Persciutti of Fano (‘The Immaculate Conception’) and Gianfrancesco Guerrieri of Fossombrone (‘The Visitation’).
The ancient walled villages of Bargni and Pozzuolo now form part of the district of Serrungarina. Villa Federici (known also as Villa dei Pini) stands close to the first of these villages. It was built by Abbot Domenico Federici in 1683 and is now a hotel. Near to Pozzuolo is Monte della Màtera (393 m), about which many legends have grown over the centuries.